Test Drive Bundle (online sign-up)
Per Class (in-class sign-up)
Course Bundle (in-class sign-up)
154.45 per class
2 Payments of 743.58
Test Drive BundlePer ClassCourse Bundle
188.12 154.45 per class2 Payments of 743.58

Objective: Build your own Tableau! You will learn and master jQuery, AJAX, JavaScript, and JSON. We will review popular graphing libraries. By the end of this course you will gain expertise in graphing and visual displaying complex data-sets on mobile and desktop web browsers.

Meet your teachers and learn more about this course by attending our upcoming open house.

Level: Beginner to Intermediate

Maximum Class Size: 5 students to every 1 teacher

I. Creating a Coding Toolbox (Code better and faster)

  1. Class 1: Creating a Development Environment and Intro to D3.js, Highcharts, and Google Charts
  2. Classes 1 – 2: Intro to Client-Side Scripting: JavaScript & jQuery
  3. Classes 1 – 3: Intro To Server-Side Scripting: PHP

II. Understanding the Technology (Know what you’re doing)

  1. Class 4: Intro To AJAX, JSON, XHR, jqXHR, and Promise objects

III. Wrangling the Data (Parsing big data .. aka taming the “8-tailed hairy beast”)

  1. Class 5: Working With JSON Data Feeds (Parsing JSON with jQuery, JavaScript, PHP)
  2. Class 6: Finding Data Sets and Screen Scraping with PHP
  3. Class 7: Processing CSV Files and Excel Spreadsheets with PHP
  4. Class 8: Graphing Data-sets from CSV Files and Microsoft Excel to the Web
  5. Classes 8b-1 through 8b-4 (Optional): Graphing Complex Datasets with D3.js (an additional $224.75 per class)
  6. Class 9: Graphing with Highcharts.js
  7. Class 10: Graphing with Google Charts

IV. Data Visualization (Make pretty graphs and charts)

  1. Class 11: Using AJAX, JSON, and a Graphing Engine to Display Complex Datasets (Part I)
  2. Class 12: Using AJAX, JSON, and a Graphing Engine to Display Complex Datasets (Part II)
  3. Class 13: Overflow, Bonus or Optional Placeholder Class. Topic TBD
*The D3.js portion of the track is optional and offered at additional cost.